Never about us.
It's never about us anymore. And that fine. It ain't about us, who wanted to have forever. It ain't about us, who played, ate, slept, fought and fucked our way through life. And it ain't about us, who only ever smiled with each other until I wanted nothing more. It ain't about us, because you said "I love you" the next day but you were all words and lies. It ain't about us, who love each other for no reason, because I left and you weren't enough. And it definitely ain't about us, because you asked if we needed to talk about it and I decided and knew then, that it wasn't about us. It's never about us anymore. It gotta be about me. I have to have a reason to have left, and it's not about us, it's all for me.
Not a true representation
Contemplating on this forces you to contemplate on the fact that if this is not our primary reality then how could honesty be real or why is honesty so important? We can't know so how do we decide?